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Announcements - Page 9

  10 Minutes Before Fajr
29 Feb 2016

A beautiful inspirational reminder regarding prayer. Can you spare 10 minutes for peace and tranquility?

  Habits of Happy Productive Muslim Couples: They Make Time for Each Other
11 Jan 2016

Busy on your mobile phone all the time? Too absorbed in your work/with your friends that you are not giving due attention to your spouse? If yes, then this must stop, insha’Allah!

Couples need to make time for each other to increase and deepen their bond. Letting oneself be absorbed in everyday life while neglecting one’s spouse might be a major reason why many couples are growing apart this day and age.

Communicate, make time for one another, appreciate and support one another. You’re there for him, and he’s there for you. Never lose that, insha’Allah.

From productive muslim

  5 Reasons Asking Questions Leads To Success
14 Dec 2015

Questions are the spark that leads to acquiring more knowledge! We all have problems and queries that we need assistance with, whether in religious matters, school, work, home or even relationships. While we all have questions, we often fail to ask for help

Click to read more: Productive Muslim
  9 Ways to Lower Your Daily Stress
26 Nov 2015

Stress has unfortunately become a normal part of our lives. In modern society, it is one of the silent culprits that affects anyone. A little might not be too bad for anyone, but continuous stress can cause negative effects on your mind, body and overall life.

A stress statistic data showed that 77% of people in the U.S. regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress. Long-term stress can cause headache, acne, chest pain, high blood pressure, fatigue, teeth grinding, depression, anxiety etc

Making use of stress management methods is essential to take charge of one’s own health and mind. Although it is not an easy job, managing stress is a prerequisite to living a healthy and happy life. I have suffered from stress for a long time without realizing it, so to help manage your own stress, here are 9 practical tips that helped me keep stress at bay.

  Analyze your time - Your key to productivity
10 Nov 2015
We all hear about time management and its importance, and people shout at us from time to time that we should time manage properly, but rarely do we hear a concise methodology of how to manage our time.
  How to Be Productive Without Getting Stressed Out
29 Oct 2015

We all try to avoid the dreaded “S” word, but sometimes it just creeps up on us and our loved ones. Yes, we all want to lead productive lives and accomplish many honorable things, but we do not want to develop high blood pressure, sleep problems, or reduced immunity in the process. We all know from all the medical research that has been done that stress can do all of that and more. So how do we strike a balance? Is there even such a thing as balance anymore?

Here are some thoughts on how to reclaim our lives from all the hidden stress and become more productive.

  Prayer times now available in over 180 countries
23 Oct 2015
We are pleased to announce that we now offer prayer times for all major towns and cities across 180 countries covering all 6 continents
  Tahajjud and Qiyam ul layl
06 Mar 2020

One of the meanings of the word Tahajjud is to give up sleep. In the religious sense it means to wake up in the later part of night to pray Nafal prayers. Tahajjud was prescribed in the initial period of Islam which is also known as Meccan Period.

Most people confuse Qiyam ul Layl and Tahajjud. Qiyam ul layl is more general of the two and can include praying salah as well as other zikr. It can also be before sleeping or after it. However tahajjud is exclusively praying. There is difference of opinion regarding tahajjud. Some fuqaha are of the view that tahajjud only applies to praying after sleeping. However most fuqaha believe that it means praying at any time regardless of sleeping or not.

  Huge Reward for Small Acts: Why?
05 Oct 2015

A good number of the Prophet's hadiths promises huge rewards for seemingly small acts of worship. For example, in one hadith the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) tells us that reciting surat Al-Ikhlas is equal to reciting one third of the Qur'an, that is, you can earn the reward of reciting the whole Qur'an in just 5 minutes.

Amazing, isn't it?

Some people think that these "offers" are too good to be true. They are skeptic about the authenticity of these hadiths and believe that such "disproportion" of reward to acts cannot be stated by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

It is true that some reports about the advantages of certain acts is discredited by hadith scholars as unauthentic hadiths, yet many other hadiths are authentic. The above hadith about surat Al-Ikhlas is reported by Al-Bukhari. So, how do you explain such highly-rewarding "special offers"?

  3 Productive Ways To Give Sadaqah As A Family
22 Sep 2015

Giving Sadaqah (charity) is not only a great way to fulfill the needs of the poor, but also serves as a purification of the heart. Therefore, it is important to instill a sense of compassion and the love for charity in your children from an early age on.

Here are 3 fantastic ideas to involve your entire family when giving charity.

Page 9 - 81 to 90 of 177 announcements