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World Prayer Times Calculator

Find prayer times using various methods

Your Location

Access precise prayer times tailored to your current geographical location.

182 Countries

Prayer times are available for 182 countries across every continent.

700,000 Locations

Our database features an expansive compilation of more than 700,000 locations, encompassing a wide array of major towns and cities across the globe.

Our unique features

5 Download Formats

Access prayer times in a format that suits you best; from Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PDF, Text, and CSV.

8 Prayer Methods

We offer a diverse and comprehensive selection of methods for calculating prayer times to cater for different preferences.

2 Notification Types

Free automated notifications delivered directly to your email or Slack account.


Listen to upcoming prayer times using text to speech for any location.


Stay updated with our RSS feeds, available for every location in our database.

24 Hours

Automatic daylight saving time adjustment.

Frequently asked questions and contact us


Delve into our comprehensive list of frequently asked questions for valuable insights and information.


Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. We're here to help!