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What are the definitions of the 5 prayer times?

Muslims pray 5 times a day. The times of each prayer vary from place to place and from day to day. It is vital that Muslims perform these prayers at the correct time.

The 5 prayers are described below:

Starts at dawn or morning twilight
Ends just before sunrise

Starts at approximately 5 minutes after Zawaal
Ends at start of Asar time

The start of Asar is dependant upon the length of the shadow that is cast by an object. Different schools use different criteria.
Ends just before sunset

Starts at sunset
Ends at the start of Isha (i.e. when there is reddishness in the sky)

Starts after dusk
Ends when the evening twilight disappears (i.e. when it first starts to get light)

What is the twilight angle?

To determine Isha and Fajr calculations, one needs to calculate the time when the sun is at a certain distance below the horizon. The twilight angle is used for this purpose and it is defined as the angle in degrees of the sun below the horizon, when total darkness begins or ends.

Some organizations' use a fixed time after Maghrib to determine the start of Isha time.

Several standards have been established for determining Fajr and Isha prayer times.

Egyptian General Authority of Survey:
Region Africa, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Malaysia, parts of the USA
Fajr – twilight angle 19.5
Isha – twilight angle 17.5
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA):
Region Parts of the USA, Canada, parts of the UK
Fajr – twilight angle 15
Isha – twilight angle 15
Islamic Organisations Union of France:
Region France
Fajr – twilight angle 12, 15 or 18
Isha – twilight angle 12, 15 or 18
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura:
Region Singapore
Fajr – twilight angle 20
Isha – twilight angle 18
Muslim world league:
Region Europe, Far East, parts of the USA
Fajr – twilight angle 18
Isha – twilight angle 17
Umm Al Qura:
Region The Arabian Peninsula
Fajr – twilight angle 18.5
Isha – twilight angle 90 minutes after Maghrib (120 minutes during Ramadan)
University of Islamic sciences, Karachi:
Region Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, parts of Europe
Fajr – twilight angle 18
Isha – twilight angle 18

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