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Support the Quran Project

  Support the Quran Project
12 Nov 2014

Don't miss (Only 2:18 mins) the new promotional Video from Quran Project

The Qur’an Project is a Da’wah organisation that provides FREE English only translations (including detailed appendices) of the Qur’an to non-Muslims worldwide. Alhamdulillah, around 90,000 copies have already been distributed since 2010. The Qur’an Project are now launching their BIGGEST printing appeal ever, and aim to distribute 200k Insha'Allaah.

Invest in your Akhira by sponsoring copies of the Translation

Ways to donate (100% Donation Policy):
  1. SMS text: Text QPRJ99 £10 to 70070
  2. Online
  3. Monthly: Download a standing order form